Appleton North High School
Numerous non-athletic activities are available for students to participate in at North High School. These co-curricular activities offer students the chance to become involved in non-classroom pursuits that are fun, interesting, and rewarding.
Many students consider their activities to be an invaluable part of their high school careers and personal development. Students are urged to choose at least one co-curricular activity and get involved.
Club/Group Name | Advisor(s) |
Alliance | Debbie Strick |
Appleton North Bowling Team | James Kane |
Appleton Youth Education Initiative | Shannan Davis |
Ballroom Dancing | Luke Aumann |
Black Student Union (BSU) | Sam Moua |
Board Game Club | James Kane |
Storm Study Leadership Group | Jere Kubuske |
Caligraphy Club | Curt Salm |
Chess Club | Shannan Davis |
Chinese American Club | |
Curling Club | Reed Rudie |
Debate | |
DECA | Alayna Hansel |
Democratic Club | Curt Salm |
Drama Club | Ron Parker |
Dungenons and Dragons | Leah Dreyer |
Environmental Club | |
eSports | Jacci Vandenheuvel |
Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Jason Schwan |
Fishing Team | Ross Buchinger |
Fly Fishing Club | Gus Maves |
Forensics | Jessica Bruch & Susanne Bruce |
Friends at North (FAN Club) | Sara Houle |
Girl Up | Linda Meyer |
Hmong Club | Sam Moua |
HOPE | Joel Hermansen |
HOSA | Kelly Camber & Kristie Moder |
Improvedy Troupe | Ron Parker |
Interact (Rotary Club) | Jill Rietveld |
International Club | Mari Nelson |
Jewlery With A Purpose | Allison Lauber de Graza |
KEY Club | Mollie Spencer |
Korean Club | Jill Rietveld |
Latinx Club | Cassandra Jimenez |
Literary Magazine | Aaron Ramponi |
Pickleball Club | Scott Burt & Scott Clough |
Model UN | Chad Endres |
National Honor Society | Avery Leidall |
Native American Student Organization | Shelby Siebers |
Noctiluca Student Newspaper | Aaron Ramponi |
Organization of Student Mentors | Oriel Combs |
P7 Club | James Kane |
Poetry Club | Leah Dreyer |
Principal's Cabinet | Nate Werner |
Quantum and Astronomical Science Club | Seth Kemmeter |
Rock Climbing Club/Team | Mitch Nichols |
Short Story Literary Analysis Club | Aaron Ramponi |
Sign Language Club | Debbie Strick |
Ski Club | Mollie Stratton |
Sources Of Strength | Anne Luedtke |
Stand Up | Curt Salm |
STEM for All | Ann Leonard |
Student Council | Maryann Hermanson |
Student Leadership Program (SLP) | |
Theater Performances | Ron Parker |
UNICEF | Reed Rudie |
Winks & Weights | Ross Buchinger |
Women in STEM | Ann Leonard |
Yearbook | Michelle Strom |