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Reporting Absences

To report an absence, a parent or legal guardian:

  • Must call North Student Services office line at (920) 852-5405 (press 1 for illness and absences) as early as possible each day the student is absent.
  • If leaving a message, please provide the student's name, grade, and reason for the absence. Please speak slowly and clearly--Please spell out the Last Name.  This will ensure we have the correct information.
  • You have the option to reach a Spanish or Hmong interpreter.
  • Messages are checked continually throughout the day.

It’s very important that you notify the school when your child will be absent. This can be done by phone call, email, or parents/guardians can use the Absence Request found on Campus Parent/Parent Portal tool to submit a request that informs the office in advance when their student is not going to be in school.

This new feature can be used as an alternative to the traditional phone calls to the school office. Please see the instructions, found here, on how to submit an Absence Request via the Campus Portal. 


  • A parent/guardian may request that a student be excused from school attendance prior to an absence occurring.
  • The request can be made via phone contact with the school. 
  • The student may be excused by the parent/guardian under this provision for not more than 10 days in the school year.

PLEASE NOTE: After a student's 10th absence, documentation will be required for an excused absence. 


All student appointments (such as medical, dental, court) must be called in advance to the Student Services office by a parent or legal guardian at (920) 852-5405. Press 1 for Student Services menu and follow the prompts.

Note: Due to the high volume of appointments, if your student is planning on leaving school within 30 minutes on the appointed day, when you call in, please follow the prompt to speak to a Student Services secretary directly.

  1. .Once the parental call has been made to excuse the student, he/she can notify the teacher of the appointment.
  2. The student MUST sign-out in the Main Office upon leaving the building.
  3. Upon returning to school, the student MUST sign back into Main Office. Parents DO NOT need to come in when picking up or dropping off your student after an appointment. 
  4. Freshmen leaving school for Lunch Hour must have a parent come in the Main Office for pick up to be excused.



  • All students arriving/departing school during the school day MUST stop at the Main Office to sign-in/sign-out.
  • Parents can park in front of the Main Entrance to wait for students leaving for appointments or leaving due to illness until 2:30 PM.
  • Parents DO NOT need to stop in and sign out their students in the Main Office if the office has been notified of their student leaving. The student will sign out and wait for their parents by the doors.
  • If parents need to drop off items (lunches/money/clothing, etc.) for students during school day, please use the Main Office also. All items (labelled accordingly) can be placed on the shelves between the outside door and main office door.