Career & College Visits
Come find out more about a college you may be interested in attending. College Admissions Advisors will be here at North during select Homeroom times to answer your questions about their school. Sophomores are welcome, but visits are typically focused on juniors and seniors. Students can sign up online through Edficiency.
Not sure what college rep visits are like?
College representatives visit high schools to spread interest in their schools by educating students about the many programs and activities available there. In addition, the visits serve as an initial point of contact between students and colleges, allowing students to express their interest in a school and to establish a contact person at the college.
A college rep visit is the equivalent of an information session at a university: the representatives explain everything about the school, from campus life to acceptance rates, and answer any questions you might have. Best of all, especially during visits with smaller attendance, they cater to your individual interests by offering in depth explanations of specific programs that might appeal to you. In some cases, they can even find you some connections with alumni who graduated with a major you are considering.
If you are interested in a college that is visiting North, meeting with the college rep is highly advisable. This will allow you the chance to meet face-to-face with the rep and ask specific questions while also providing you the chance to let the college know that you might be interested in attending.
It’s also an opportunity to make contact with a person who may be evaluating your application in the future. Sometimes, you might even be able to get early feedback on your transcripts, test scores, and course selections to help assess your fit at a particular college and to help figure out what you can do during the remaining months to improve your chances of getting in.
Tips for Meeting with a College Rep:
Dress for Success
While this isn’t a formal interview, you should still dress up enough to show that you respect the time and effort of the college rep who is visiting. A full suit isn’t necessary, but ripped jeans and a dirty t-shirt are definitely not acceptable. Your attire should reflect your maturity and your serious approach to college admissions.
Be on Time
This shows your eagerness to hear what the rep has to say.
Ask Authentic Questions
- Think about which programs and activities are of interest to you and come up with a few questions that will lend insight into them. Examples: Are there different admissions requirements for different departments or majors? What choices do freshmen have in class selection? What are the opportunities for internships, research, and employment on campus?
Be Confident
- Even if you’re feeling shy or uncomfortable, it’s important to communicate that you’re a capable and confident applicant.
Turn Off Your Cell Phone
Be Attentive
Write a Thank You Note/Email If the school is one of your top choices