Common App Information
If a student is ONLY applying to the UW-System it is HIGHLY recommended that students use the UW Application (not Common App). The UW Application allows the student to self-submit their transcript and schedule, this makes the process speedier.
It is likely that there will be "wait times" for the processing of Common Apps due to the intensive nature of the application.
Common App Tutorial (24:00)
How do I complete the recommender sections of the Common App?
- Students MUST ASK North staff for the recommendation first. (North staff will receive an email from Common App notifying them of your requests - which is why it is a must to ask your teacher first!)
Students may request academic recommendation letters from 2 members of the North teaching staff.
If you are requesting a North staff member who is also your coach, they can provide a non-academic LOR.
All recommendation letters require a 2-week notice to their recommender. It is the student's responsibility to meet all application deadlines. Failure to give your recommender a 2-week notice may result in the LOR being submitted after the deadline.
Some common application schools do not require a counselor or teacher recommendation.
- NEW for Class of 2024
Students using Common App must complete a counselor "Brag Sheet". Complete one of the following: Teacher edition: Brag Sheet or Resume. Give it directly to teacher/recommender. - Students/parents must complete the following forms for North staff to complete recommendations. Staff will not complete recommendations unless student and parent waivers are completed.
- Request for letter of recommendation and Student Waiver*
- Parent Permission for a letter of recommendation - Create or login to your Common Application account. You will be asked for school information and your counselor's information. Find Mrs. Krueger's contact information (Class of 2024) here.
- Send the final (8th semester) transcript after May 1 through Parchment. (Your initial 6th-semester transcript will be sent by your school counselor.) Students may request transcripts for scholarships/NCAA/others through Parchment throughout the school year. (Create an account on Parchment -there is no building registration code, create an account without one)
If North counseling staff members are going to upload a letter of recommendation and complete the school report for you on Common App:
How does FERPA relate to your college application?
FERPA regulates the privacy of student education records, which could include your application to the college where you enroll. FERPA also gives you the right to review confidential letters of recommendation provided as part of that application after you enroll.
In the application, you'll be asked if you want to waive the right to review confidential letters of recommendation. What should you know about this waiver?
Waiving your right lets colleges know that you do not intend to read your recommendations, which helps reassure colleges that the letters are candid and truthful.
Here is a quick article on why students waive their rights.
Here is a quick video explaining why students waive FERPA
How does North's counseling office manage applications that DO NOT waive FERPA?
Staff will only provide basic information to Common App, i.e., transcript, class schedule, GPA, and/or sports or club participation. No Letter Of Recommendation will be written.
Are you only applying to UW Schools?
- Create a UW application account.
- When asked to upload a 6th semester transcript... go to Infinite Campus> Documents> Official transcript.
- Send Transcript in Parchment. (Use only if you did not upload transcript in your UW application). Final transcript (8th semester) requests can be requested after May 1 in Parchment.
Students using UW application and need a LOR for UW Madison:
UW Madison is the ONLY UW school that requires a teacher recommendation.
- Student/Parent must complete waivers:
- Student LOR Waiver (UW Madison students only)
- Parent Permission for a LOR (UW Madison Student only) - Complete the Teacher Brag Sheet or resume. Give directly to teacher. Students MUST ASK North staff for the recommendation first before you use the UW link below). Students may request 1 academic recommendation letter from a North teaching staff. All recommendation letters require 2 weeks minimum notice before the due date
- How to request a Teacher recommendation (through UW Madison's admissions website)
UW Madison is the only school that does Early Action. All other UW schools have rolling admissions.
Need more help with the UW application?
Here is a video tutorial (24:00)
Need a fee waiver?
Here is an application
Common App Facts
Fact #1: It's highly recommended that students waive their FERPA rights. This allows your teachers to speak freely about you. Choose your recommenders wisely!
Fact#2: Initial and mid-year transcripts will be sent by your counselor (not Parchment)
Fact #3: Final transcripts are released at the end of June using the Parchment platform. Transcripts are not ready or available until after June 23rd.
- Senior Seminar 1: Am I on track to graduate? How to send a transcript?
- Senior Seminar 2: The College Journey
- Senior Seminar 3 😍: Scholarships and Financial Aid
- Graduation Requirements
- Senior Checklist