Accessing & Reading Your High School Transcript

Accessing Your High School Transcript
Step 1: Log into Infinite Campus
Step 2: Scroll to and select “Documents” from the menu
Step 3: From that Menu select “Official North Transcript”

NOTE: this is not an official copy of your transcript as it is not produced from the School
Counseling Office 

Reading Your High School Transcript

Transcript Statistics 

  • Cumulative Class Rank & GPA (located in top left corner of transcript)
  • Updated twice a year (at the end of semester 1 & at the end of the school year)

Courses Taken By Academic Year/Grade Level
Column 1 = Course
This will list the titles of the courses you completed each school year

Column 2 = Mark
This will provide you a letter grade for every course you attempted. 

Column 3 = Weight
Courses are not weighted at Appleton North High School. 

Column 4 = Credit 
This column will show either 0.5 or 0. If a student passed the course, they will see a passing letter grade in the “mark column” and 0.5 in the “credit column”. If a student sees an F in the “mark column” it will be accompanied by a 0 in the credit column and they should speak with their counselor to build a plan to recover the lost credit.

Credit Summary
The credit summary will provide students with a snapshot of their progress toward completing the Appleton North High School Graduation Requirements.